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Maria Fernanda is a wife, mother of three children, coach and author of books on integration and its process.  She has 25 years of experience in the personal development of her clients using systemic coaching and NLP.

Maria Fernanda

Former Queen of Quito 1990-1991, World Karate Champion 2016, former candidate for the Swiss National Parliament, member of the Parliament of the Catholic Church of Lucerne 2014-2022, board member of the Gerlisberg Monastery. Founder of the Network Time to Start Changing, speaker, lecturer in systemic coaching at UNITRE Universitas.

Lives in Lucerne, Switzerland with her husband and her shih tzu dog Suki. 




Unusual candidacy for the National Council: - An article on highlighting the unusual candidacy of Maria Salvador for the National Council. Link to source

World title in karate: Luzerner Zeitung - An article from the Luzerner Zeitung that honors Maria Fernanda Salvador's success as world champion in karate . Link to source

Character creation - The diversity of Switzerland: Strategy Dialogue 21 - A contribution from Strategy Dialogue 21 that talks about the diversity of Switzerland and the role of Maria Fernanda Salvador. Link to source

Présentation du livre de l'écrivaine équatorienne: Maison de l'amérique latine - The Maison de l'amérique latine presents Maria Fernanda Salvador's book. Link to source

Open your hearts: Parish newspaper City of Lucerne - An article in the parish newspaper City of Lucerne about Maria Fernanda Salvador's work and commitment. Link to source

Commentario Diego Oquendo - An audio commentary by Diego Oquendo about Maria Fernanda Salvador. Link to source

Sr. Jorge Luis Serrano agregado cultural Paris - A letter from Sr. Jorge Luis Serrano, the cultural attaché of Paris, about Maria Fernanda Salvador. Link to source

Sr. Freddy Peñafiel ex ministro de educación de Ecuador - A letter from Sr. Freddy Peñafiel Larrea, former Minister of Education of Ecuador, about Maria Fernanda Salvador. Link to source

Ecuadorian woman integrates: Luzerner Zeitung - An article from the Luzerner Zeitung about Maria Fernanda Salvador's integration into Swiss society. Link to source

Podcast: PodClub - A podcast with Maria Fernanda Salvador where she talks about integration. Link to source

Integrarse requiere paciencia, tolerance y humildad: swissinfo - An article on swissinfo about the challenges and importance of integration. Link to source

Facebook Live Interview: swissinfo - A Facebook Live interview with Maria Fernanda Salvador on swissinfo. Link to source

Encuentro Literario en Paris: Facebook - A meeting in Paris where Maria Fernanda Salvador talks about literature. Link to source

Hablando sobre integración: PodArt Paloma Amorena - A podcast with Paloma Amorena in which she talks about integration. Link to source

Hasta que el paladar se acostumbre - An article about Maria Fernanda Salvador's book "Hasta que el paladar se acostumbre". Link to source

• Live Interview: Facebook - A live interview on Facebook with Maria Fernanda Salvador. Link to source


Maria Fernanda Salvador

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